Tejas Shah
Data Scientist / Software Developer
Hello there! My name is Tejas, also known as contejas on many platforms. I am a Senior at the Georgia Institute of Technology studying Computer Science. Specifically, my degree focuses on Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Hardware - click here to see the courses I have taken as part of this degree. My most notable work experience has been as a Data Science/Analytics Co-Op for Delta Air Lines, where I worked on the Safety and Security Data team for 12 months. In addition to that, I also previously owned and operated Shah-Prasanna Technologies, which built a custom data storage solution using Python and AWS for a law firm on a six-month contract. Outside of school and work, I like to organize Indian cultural events and dance competitions and play Nintendo games. I will be graduating from GT in Spring 2025, and excited to see what the next chapter holds for me. Thank you for visiting my website!
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